
Strengthen financial security with advanced cybersecurity pen testing.

Why is Cyber Security such an issue for the Finance sector?

Cybersecurity is a major issue for the financial sector due to the high-value data and financial transactions at risk. The industry's digital reliance makes it a prime target for cybercriminals, necessitating robust measures to protect against data breaches and financial theft.

I am convinced that there are only two types of company - those that have been hacked and those that will be.

Director, FBI, Cyber Security Conference 2012

Most Common Threats in the Finance Sector

While all industries are susceptible to cyber threats, some are more prominent than others. Take a look at the most common ones facing your industry...


What is it?

Phishing involves deceptive tactics, such as fraudulent emails or websites, aiming to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive financial information.

What would the impact be?

Phishing attacks can lead to unauthorised access to financial accounts, identity theft, and financial fraud, posing significant risks to individuals and financial institutions.

How would we reduce this risk?

Implement regular cybersecurity awareness training, utilise email filtering systems, and encourage multi-factor authentication to enhance protection against phishing attacks.

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Insider Attacks

What is it?

Insider threats involve individuals within the finance sector, such as employees or contractors, who intentionally or unintentionally compromise security.

What would the impact be?

Insider threats can result in unauthorised access to financial data, fraud, and the compromise of sensitive information, posing substantial risks to financial institutions.

How would we reduce this risk?

Implement strict access controls, conduct thorough background checks, monitor user activities, and foster a culture of cybersecurity awareness to mitigate insider threats.

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Credential Stuffing

What is it?

Credential stuffing involves cybercriminals using stolen usernames and passwords from one site to gain unauthorised access to financial accounts due to individuals reusing credentials.

What would the impact be?

Credential stuffing can lead to unauthorized access to financial accounts, identity theft, and financial fraud, exploiting the common practice of password reuse.

How would we reduce this risk?

Encourage users to use unique and strong passwords, implement multi-factor authentication, and regularly monitor and detect unusual login activities to mitigate the risks associated with credential stuffing.

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How can you protect against cyber attack?

Do the Top 10 basics
  1. Ensure Secure Backups: Protect against ransomware attacks with reliable backup systems; recovery relies on a secure backup strategy.
  2. Strong Password Policies: Prevent unauthorized access through robust password practices; avoid password reuse to deter quick account takeovers.
  3. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Boost security with multiple identification methods; MFA is a crucial defense, especially against Dark Web-sold passwords.
  4. Use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): Safeguard remote and home connections to internal systems; VPNs prevent eavesdropping and fortify against common attacks.
  5. Enforce Encryption: Encrypt critical data on mobile devices and ensure encryption for internal and cloud storage; take a comprehensive approach to data protection.
  6. Anti-Phishing Email Controls: Strengthen defense against human vulnerabilities; shield against phishing attacks and malicious links through email content control.
  7. Prioritize Staff Training: Integrate cybersecurity awareness into onboarding and ongoing education; combat evolving threats with continuous staff training.
  8. Cloud Security Compliance: Verify that cloud services meet industry security standards; regularly review and update security settings for data storage and application services.
  9. Foster Reporting Culture: Establish a reporting culture for addressing issues promptly; create and update response plans to enhance organizational resilience.
  10. Cyber Essentials PLUS Certification: Align with government-backed Cyber Essentials PLUS for fundamental organizational security; includes proactive testing to reinforce cybersecurity measures.
Follow industry-specific advice
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

Add an extra layer of protection against unauthorised access to financial systems and accounts.

Educate Employees

Regular and comprehensive cybersecurity training to enhance awareness, recognise threats, and reinforce best practices

Regularly Update

Mitigate vulnerabilities by promptly applying security patches and updates to financial software and systems.

And finally - regular penetration testing and vulnerability scanning

Precursor Security's services fortify finance industry cybersecurity by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, ensuring proactive risk management and safeguarding sensitive data against evolving cyber threats.

See what we can do to protect your organisation today.

Get in touch with us for a free consultation or quote.

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